Friday, January 19, 2007

Maid Cafe, anyone?

Singapore must have been trying really hard to keep up with the anime and otaku (hardcore anime fans) cultures of Japan. Just recently, a maid cafe opened up in Far East Shopping Centre, located at 30 Victoria Street #01-11 CHIJMES, which is within walking distance of otaku and fujoshi’s favourite gathering spot in Singapore.

When I mean maid cafe, I'm not referring to those Phillipino or Indonesian maids that people employ for physical work like cleaning. When I say maid, I mean those cute babes dressed up in a combination of lolita-fashioned and french-styled maid costumes. When a customer enters the café, the maids typically give a flattering greeting such as "Welcome home, Master" (お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様!) in order to play the role of a house servant. People who have a fetish of hearing others call you "Master" or "Mistress", here's where you can unleash your desires to the limit. Usually, when Japanese Otakus think of maid cafe, they usually think: MOE!!! Moe (pronounced: mo-eh) is an onomatopiea of the inner passion of your spirit burning.

CosCafe (name of the shop) is, surprisingly, opened by only a sixteen-year-old girl. But of course, the revenue for the business came from her parents (duh.) Before I go off-topic, service staff in maid cafe do Cosplay too. So in maid cafes, not only are you able to enjoy a delicious meal, it's a delectable feast for your eyes as well.

Here's an article for you to go more in-depth on the maid cafe opened in Far East. Remember to check out the first link as well, as there's an interesting interview with CosCafe done by Channel U.

So yah, maid cafe, anyone? ^_^


Stanley said...

hmm..we can go there nxt time when u come bak =p

Anonymous said...

haha... ur blogger is gonna be all about anime is it?...haha update ur blog with more new anime haha i will sure to drop by ur blog..hehe


Anonymous said...

Try opening up a maid cafe in msia as well tsoi lol

ah-ker-an-om said...

juz bec u forced me to i'm posting a comment... haiz... why muz it be anime again?? nvm...

ah-ker-an-om said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Force? That's such a harsh word! Besides, anime is my life! What else can I blog about?

轡田.俊平 said...

looks like sg is accepting anime culture. tts a good thing! more good animes pls! so I can have better resources for drawing! =p

Anonymous said...

this maid is also cute.
don't u think so?

Anonymous said...

Haha, thanks. That was hilarious ^_^

Sei.Mn said...

Hey let's go there together once you're back!